@aqwsed: where modern English translations are biased towards Christian doctrine, they do indeed translate ‘hell’ where it should read Sheol, which is not the idea of a fiery place, but rather a disconnect with God, a place where you bring yourself voluntarily through deeds and can lift yourself up. Jewish lore is a lot closer to Hinduism in that they almost believe in a sort of karma that follows your soul through the “incarnations” of life as well as death.
Hence why in your OT references, you have to stretch a lot to get to an idea of hellfire whereas your NT references only have an approximation of hellfire in specific “authors” but not in others, most of them being anachronistic with and most likely inserted later in comparison with the rest of the text (as in the Lazarus and the Rich Man story).
The biggest differences between the NT and OT when it talks about death, is that the NT beliefs in redemption after death through faith, whereas the OT/Jews do not, redemption is only through action and your deeds follow you into the afterlife and even applies to higher levels of consciousness, including for example, angels, whereas in the NT figures like Jesus and the angels are infallible.